Whilst guest editing Touchpoint (Vol 11, No.1), The Journal of Service Design the past 6 months, I also authored a provocative piece on the role of Service Design whilst working with Fortune 500’s titled, ‘Applying Service Design While ‘Innovating like a Start-up’. The role of service design in global Fortune 500 project teams’.
I hope that the article stimulates critical discussion about the role of innovation methodologies in general whilst explaining on a more high level, what they aim to achieve in terms of knowledge. That way duplication and complication of terminologies can be avoided so that iterative, knowledge seeking ways of working can function in support of de-risking innovation projects. Looking forward to feedback and discussions.

Applying Service Design While Innovating Like a Startup. The Role of Service Design in Global Fortune 500 Project Teams
Title: Applying Service Design While ‘Innovating like a Start-up’. The role of service design in global Fortune 500 project teams
How do corporate innovation teams de-risk projects across the innovation process in relation to service design? How does service design address high level early stage uncertainty for corporate start-up teams? Does service design function as an effective stand-alone discipline for corporate start-ups? What follows are some of Board of Innovation’s key insights formed whilst guiding intrapreneurial teams across the innovation process within global Fortune 500 organisations.